In this blogpost, I want to introduce one of the Iranian NGOs which I've collaborated with since last year. Peace Sprit Foundation is a civil society which has been working for 13 years. Our dream is to enhance peace across the world. Peace Sprit Foundation started its’ work with the name of Bayan Iran Association (NGO) since 2005. At that time, the team focused on women and youth issues, lifestyle and social life in Iran.

PSF is based in Tehran, Iran, which is dedicated to promoting peace across the world. PSF was founded by Hamidreza Gholamzadeh together with a group of cooperative civil activist from Tehran. It is a young-led NGO since a group of young Iranian work there. They try to inspire all people, specially motivated young generation to spread the culture of people to people peace. The history of PSF dates back to more than a decade ago, 2005, when the team was working nationally under the name of Bayan Iran Association (NGO) which had put its focus on women and youth issues, lifestyle and social life in Iran. In 2009, The NGO won WYSA prize for promoting UN SDGs on empowering women.
The main goals of Bayan Iran Association were promoting positive peace and seeking negative peace. Negative peace as a basis for true peace is absence of tension and positive peace is establishing justice and equality, and putting an end to oppression for everyone across the globe. In addition, our team has been tried to build a bridge between Iranian activists and civil societies. After years of planning and contemplation, the founder and administrative team decided to expand their span of activities. Therefor the name of Bayan Association was replaced by Peace Sprit Foundation. We in Peace Sprit Foundation believe that negative peace should be integrated with positive peace.
PSF’ aim is to cooperating with CSOs, NGOs and IGOs in local, regional and international level, promoting peace and stability in conflict areas, empowering women, promoting human rights, helping refugees and displaced people. We work in cooperation with help of a group of activists, peace practitioners, journalists and related organizations and try to make a more peaceful and secure world. Our agenda consisted of peace building, conflict resolution, mediation and all other related activities. In order to achieve these goals, we try to develop mutual respect and understanding between nations.

Workshop on video journalism
PSF interventions are based on the principle of cultural exchange, peaceful relationships, understanding deferent people from different countries and connection and cooperation with peace NGOs. Our activities include translating peace related articles, knowing nation sessions, hosting tourists, developing a data base of international and local peace NGOs, and conducting tours.
Knowing nation sessions: Up to now, Peace sprit Foundation have held many knowing nation sessions. We invite locals of other countries to speak about their country. The purpose of this sessions is cultural exchange and obtaining information about life style, peace NGOs, culture and politics of other countries. Up to now, we have held knowing nation sessions about Netherlands, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sudan, England, Belgium, Germany, Malaysia and Egypt.

Knowing nation session on Brazil with Maria Cristina Lopez, Deputy head of Mission of Brazil Embassy in Iran
Hosting tourists: One of our mission in showing good faces of Iran to the world, so we host tourists explain about Iran. Also, we use this opportunity to introduce PSF to global citizens. Unfortunately, worldwide media do not show real Iran. We in PSF seriously want to introduce Iran as one of developed and modern countries.
Tours: we conduct two highlighted tour plan, Iran political tour and Visit Iran and learn Farsi, for European. In the first phase, these tours are held for Europeans.
Iran political tour: The main purposes of Iran political tour are introducing political system of Iran as the most controversial countries of the recent years and showing real Iran beyond what media tells. Topics that are covered in this tour including political system of Iran, the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Iran, the requirements and procedures for selection of the leader, the three branches of power and their functions, political parties and their history, Iran’s political history and its foreign policy principles.
Visit Iran and learn Farsi: We at the Peace Sprit Foundation believe that peace can be achieved through raising understanding between different people and nations; and this cannot be achieved unless we promote more communication and exchanges between people and people, instead of waiting for governments to take measures. So, we hold series of short courses on Farsi Language to help university students studying Persian language to visit Iran and engage in real life, participate in workshops and improve their command of Farsi through various programs.

Hosting a tourist from China
Translating peace related articles: The team of peace sprit foundation try to gather and obtain information about peace and justices. We try to promote peace in our community via peace education and translating peace articles.
Educational workshops: As we now, education is a way to develop creative, talented and young people. Up to now, we have held some workshops in the field of public diplomacy, international opportunities, international etiquettes and video journalism.
Internship: PSF hold internship opportunities for young people who interested in international relations, peace studies and public diplomacy. Up to now, 5 internship periods have been held.

Last interns of PSF got their certificate
At last, I should say that PSF invite all people from all over the world to think and see the world beyond borders. We believe that at the first stage, peace is happened within humans. Second, peace is formed through people. We do not have a peaceful world unless people with different culture and religion become friends.